Sunday, September 26, 2010

Stillwater Farm at Ashbrook September

We have had a very busy month. I don't know how life gets so busy. We aren't even doing violin lessons, yet.

I love the look of the blog, Beth. Good job.

Thank you to all of you who posted last month and thank you to those of you who thought about it. Maybe this will be the month.

Dad and I just got our second calling in this ward today. I thought we were going to get to coast now that we were here among so many talented members. We were called as ward missionaries. We are very excited. Our ward is working so hard with the people living in the Orange Grove apartments and lives are being touched in positive ways. Last Monday, before we were called they had a barbecue at the complex and had 143 non-members attend. We are having a Thanksgiving potluck there the Saturday before Thanksgiving. The apartments have some of the very poorest people in Mesa living there, but what big hearts they have.

We served in the kitchen at the temple this week. That was quite interesting. We didn't feel appreciated or even particularly wanted while we worked, but as we left, we overheard the two regular staff comment to each other about what a good job we did. They were impressed with how well Dad did the dishes. He is an old pro from girl's camp. I hear they are closing the kitchen when they remodel -which is happening after the Gilbert temple opens. It was so busy that we had to park at the back of a church parking lot across the street from the temple. We rarely saw that in New England - and never on a week day.

Rachel has settled well into school. Her teachers have high praise for her. She shouldn't be surprised because she comes from a family of really smart people, but it is always fun to hear.

Tawnya arrived yesterday. She is a lady from Maine. Hard to think of her as a lady when she is so short, but she is 23 years old. Granny said that she is going to find her Statue of Liberty and put it in my front hall. She says that her dad, Grandpa Lane, would be impressed because he was always helping people get a step up even when he was dirt poor.

It is almost time for the Bennett FHE again. We will miss those of you who won't be in town. Maybe we can do a speaker phone thing or webcam for any who might be interested. Just let us know.

We love you all.

Mom, Dad and Rachel

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