Monday, September 27, 2010

September in Rexburg


For Labor Day weekend, Troy and I drove to Arizona.  We've recently found really inexpensive tickets out of Idaho Falls, and will use that venue in the future.  We were able to visit everyone down there, and Troy was able to meet everyone.  Due to an unexpected surprise, Mom, Granny, Megan, Rachel & I went Wedding Dress Shopping.  We ended up finding the one in the picture.

We had lots of fun down there.  We had Megan's famous Sweet Pork Tacos, Annie's Hawaiian French Toast, and everyone's favorite: Birthday Syrup!  We also went swimming, played games, and just spent time with everyone.  Troy, Annie and Andy also played video games, and from what I hear, Annie has some impressive skills!  We also listened to a lot of Dad's

Not so surprisingly, Troy asked Dad for "permission" when we were visiting.  Dad told him yes, but warned him, "She's a handful."  He told me that he had figured this out by my Wedding Dress Meltdown the day before.    Somehow, he decided he still wanted to move forward, because the next weekend, he proposed!

He told me that he would propose within 6 weeks after my birthday.  This meant he had until September 28th.  In my typical, patient manner, I asked him every day to marry me.  It seemed like six weeks was SO LONG, and would never come.  I was positive that he was going to make me wait until 11:59 pm on the 28th to do it.

Troy had broken his phone and needed a new one, and when he got it, I stole it and put on his calendar "Propose to Beth" on September 10th.  I forgot completely about this.

During the week preceding September 10th, he told me that his Grandparents were going to take us to dinner at Henry's Fork Lodge.  I believed it was true, and so on we headed up to Island Park.  The week before, his Dad had been in Island Park and their family went to Yellowstone.   You're able to use the pass again within a week, and so we went to stop by their cabin to pick up the pass that he left behind.  Troy ran in to go grab it while I waited in the car.  He came out a couple minutes later and told me that he couldn't find it, and that he needed my help and ran back in. 

I went in after him, and as I opened the door, there was a candlelit path, with all the lights off.  It was so surreal, and I knew what it meant.  All I could keep saying was, "Are you serious!?" over and over.  Finally I got to the end of the path, where he was on one knee, with the ring.  It said "Marry Me" on the table in candles, and my favorite song, "You Have That Effect On Me" by Brad Paisley was playing.  He asked, "Will you marry me?"  Of course, I said yes.

We have taken our engagement pictures, and the first set is available online.  The next set will be available on Facebook after Wednesday.

Aside from engagement & wedding planning, I've been working with local homeschool kids to put on a play.  Our first full on rehearsal is Wednesday.  We've been doing auditions and introductions the last couple of weeks.  We are doing A Christmas Carol.  We perform December 10th and 11th.

Well, that's about it.  :)



  1. I love how he proposed!!! Especially how he spelled out "Marry Me" in candles :) Super super cute Beth!!!

  2. Wait a minute! How come you put a photo of your dress up?? I know you don't wear it in the temple but he still shouldn't have seen it until your big day!

  3. Vici -

    He doesn't see this blog - he doesn't know what it looks like yet. Don't you worry! I actually will be able to wear this one in the Temple, though!

    and thanks Annie! :) It was cute.
