The last few months have been all a flurry. Dad and I have been working hard to take better care of our bodies. We have begun an exercise program and are eating better. Dad has lost 50 pounds and I have lost 25 pounds. We haven't worked at losing weight since Thanksgiving - just maintaining our progress. After New Year's Day, we are going to see if we can't keep moving those pounds out of our lives. We are so glad we have done this because we feel a lot better.
We had a crowd of over 35 people for Thanksgiving. Arizona, thankfully, has wonderful weather for Thanksgiving, and we hosted the party outside. We did it on Friday because of my work. But, next year, I think we will shoot for Saturday. Uncle Doug has the lighting of Glendale Glitters on Friday and since Uncle Rex lives in Glendale, they like to go for festivities. Saturday would allow Aunt Marcy and her boys to stick around longer. As it was, we had a wonderful feast. Each family brought a bit so that no one was overwhelmed with the whole dinner. Since we live right across from a park, we attempted games (including football). Not everyone showed up in time, but hopefully, there will be more early arrivers next year.
December was filled with a wedding, sickness, and Christmas. Grandma, Dad, and Rachel have been sick the last month. Rachel was able to kick it quickly with amoxicillin. She usually is sick forever. Dad has had two colds. He stayed home from church today because of his second cold. Grandma has not been able to kick hers. She also developed an arrhythmia in her heart these past two months. We welcome your prayers in her behalf.
The wedding plans were fun. Megan was our wedding planner and did a lovely job of coordinating everything. Beth arrived early to help with the final preparations. It was so pretty. We couldn't have done it without all the help. Uncle Mel provided us his yard, which is always a beautiful backdrop to receptions. Troy's mother, Cary, and Aunt Ann ironed 100 chair covers that they loaned us. They put them all on the chairs for us. Ben & Raina made the wedding cake. It was red velvet cake, which was perfect with Beth's colors of cranberry and plum.
The day of the wedding Beth was a gem. We forgot to take her wedding dress with us to the temple. She took it all in stride - not one word of regret or distress. She called Dad and had him bring the dress so that she would have it to wear when she came out of the temple. She wore her temple dress for the marriage ceremony and was as lovely as could be.
Jake had eye surgery the Thursday before the wedding. Which isn't why he wasn't there - too far and the Army just isn't family friendly. We would have loved to surprise Beth as we did Jake for his wedding, but getting the time off was sketchy at best.
The day after the wedding, we had a late breakfast with Victoria and Chan and the other kids who live here in town. Granny also came. We had a fun visit with them. On Friday before the wedding, Dad and his sons-in-law went golfing. Ben was working and Andy was sick. It was Dad's first time golfing. He has a really good time. If you ever want to go golfing when you are in town, give him a call.
Christmas was nice and actually quite peaceful after all the hub-bub of the previous few weeks. We had the Christmas party at our house. In addition to our immediate descendants, we had Granny & Grandpa, AJ, Gina, and Alli. Jimmy (Michael) Miller also stopped by for a few bites of good food. The kids did a memorable pageant of the Christmas story for us - Raina was the author, director, and producer. She was awesome. After everyone left, we had our Christmas because I was supposed to work on on Christmas. Christmas morning dawned so peaceful and quiet. I got up and got ready for work and listened to carols. Just as I was leaving, I got a call that I could stay home until 11 a.m. At 10:30, they told me to stay on call, but that I probably would not be needed at all. At 11:10, I got called in. I took 2 admissions, but they were pretty simple and straightforward. The only difficult part of the way was the young man who was admitted to another nurse and coded shortly after his arrival. He died in spite of our best efforts. It was draining because of his age, his life choices, and that it was Christmas. It was nice to see the day end and get home to the quiet and peace of my own home.
We are excited to read everyones postings. Beth and Troy will have to tell us about rainy Catalina and COLD Alaska. Our prayers are for all you. Love, Mom, Dad, & Rachel.
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