August in Salt Lake City disappeared clean off our calendars but to where I do not know. My trip to AZ at the beginning of the month was a great time and despite everyone's warnings about the heat I loved being toasty. (Excellent pick for a hike too Meg!)
Chan spent the month enrolling dealers in their 2011 commitments. During the course of those efforts he sold the heck out of some bikes and was pleased with his final numbers for the month. If you've never lived in a house where at least one income is based on sales you have no idea what a nail-biter the last week can be.
I am busy at work with some pretty large projects - one of which is a complete reorg of my department and more of an enmeshment with two others. The end goal is to hopefully build departments and groups that are more quickly scaleable as the company grows. It is exciting for me to be included in something like this as it will be great on a resume. I'm also working on deployment of a new software tool that will be used by a large segment of the company. I was part of the original dreaming and designing when we started working on it a year ago. Finally we are seeing the fruits of the efforts put forth and it's exciting.
We've seen some great live music this month: Yonder Mountain String Band (Bluegrass/New Grass), John Prine (an old country-ish folk singer) and in a few days we'll see The Avett Brothers (genre-less but one of my all time faves).
We have more traveling to do and concerts to attend in September.
As my PSA this month I want to remind everyone to please be aware of cyclists and pedestrians on the roads. I just attended a viewing for the father of a friend who was killed while riding his bicycle. He had the right-of-way in that the semi-truck turned right (directionally speaking) in front of him. No matter how fast you need to get somewhere and how annoying it is to be stuck behind a rider, remember they have family and friends that would rather see them come home at the end of the day than hear some sad apology about how you didn't see them. Love to all.
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