Sunday, November 27, 2011


So, today in church, Brother Ray Smith, gave a talk about service missions. He said that when we serve others we take our life from the level of Thanksgiving - to actually Thanksgiving. I just thought of the great dinner we had yesterday. (Those of you who live out of town - we noticed that you weren't there.) It was a huge success. And it was only a huge success because of the service that each person gave. I especially noticed all the little elves staying to clean until the very end. You kids are awesome.

I talked to Aunt Marcy about our dinner next year - the Saturday after Thanksgiving - so mark your calendars. We want to celebrate all the Thanksliving every does through the year. Not to puff anyone up, but to inspire our kids and because sometimes we just need to hear another idea. So as you serve, whether it is Vici staying in a job she hates because of the long hours, but she knows that it is the best thing for her company or Serhana staying up nights with a new baby or Andy letting Rachel hang out with him - and there are tons more bits of service you all do - tuck it into the back of your head. If you see someone else serve in a way that impresses you - it might be the simplicity that impresses you - tuck it in the back of your head. We are going to use your awareness somehow next year. We have time to think about it.

We are loving our new place. I am without a computer, I get on Dad's occasionally, but it has been a big blessing. Because I don't sit down and lose track of time. Things are looking better every week. The car is on the fritz - hopefully, it won't take too much money to fix it. It goes in the shop this week. Dad is now serving in the temple all day on Fridays - he does get the next two weeks off, which is great.

Nothing too exciting. But, I thought I would catch you up anyway.

Love, Mom