September was an exceptionally busy month for Chan and me. We can hardly believe October is already here.
At the beginning of the month we saw a band called The Avett Brothers play at Deer Valley Mountain Resort, which is a beautiful outdoor venue just past Park City. Oddly it was not as cold as most of the other outdoor concerts we've seen this summer.
Toward the end of September Chan and I headed to Wisconsin to attend Octoberfest with his sister and her husband. We were gone a total of 9 days and it was mostly a lot of fun. It is always interesting to observe the Wisconsin culture since it is so completely different than anything I've ever experienced. If it weren't for the uber-chilly winters and complete lack of outdoor recreation, I think I could buy into the idea of moving there. The people are probably the friendliest I've encountered when traveling. We attended the Octoberfest parade in Chan's hometown and saw a little bit of live music at the fest grounds. I saw oodles of old men in Lederhosen along with their wives in traditional German dresses. It was the LONGEST parade I've ever attended and near the end (3 hours later) it bordered on ridiculous! At any rate, I met some old friends of Chan's who I hadn't met before; all very nice folks. I'll put a few photos up on FB in the next day or two.
Not much else to report from this neck of the woods. Love to all.